What Logging Levels Should Apps Use In Production?

In this article, we will discuss the different logging levels that apps should consider using in production. We will explore the purpose and benefits of each level, and help you determine which level is most suitable for your app. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of how to effectively manage logging levels in your production environment.

What Logging Levels Should Apps Use In Production?


In production environments, logging plays a crucial role in monitoring and troubleshooting applications. Logging levels define the severity of logged messages, allowing developers to filter and prioritize them based on their importance. Understanding and choosing the appropriate logging levels is essential to ensure comprehensive and efficient logging. This article provides an overview of common logging levels, discusses their meanings and significance, and explores best practices for logging in production.

Common Logging Levels

There are several commonly used logging levels, each indicating a different severity of the logged message. These levels are hierarchical, with higher levels encompassing lower levels. The common logging levels are as follows:


The Fatal logging level denotes the most critical and severe level. It represents unrecoverable errors or conditions that lead to the termination of the application or system. Fatal messages indicate issues that require immediate attention and may impact the entire system’s stability and functionality.


The Error logging level signifies significant errors and exceptions that can affect the application’s functionality but are not severe enough to cause its termination. Error messages often indicate unexpected conditions or failures that need attention but allow the application to continue running.


The Warning logging level signals potential issues or conditions that may cause problems in the future. These messages may not necessarily impact the current functionality of the application but serve as early indicators of potential problems.

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The Info logging level provides informational messages that help in understanding the normal flow and operation of the application. Info messages generally track the progress of the application and provide useful insights for monitoring and analyzing its behavior.


The Debug logging level is used for messages that assist in debugging and diagnosing issues during development or testing. Debug messages often contain detailed information about the application’s internal state, variable values, and the execution flow. These messages are typically not enabled in production environments by default but can be useful for troubleshooting purposes.

What Logging Levels Should Apps Use In Production?

Fatal Level

The Fatal logging level represents the most severe and critical level of logging. Fatal messages indicate conditions or errors that lead to the application’s immediate termination. These errors are often unrecoverable and require immediate attention from developers or system administrators. Examples of fatal errors include critical system failures, data corruption, or security breaches.

When using the Fatal logging level, it is crucial to log only the most critical and essential information. Overuse of this level may flood the logs and make it difficult to identify the most significant issues. It is recommended to use the Fatal level sparingly, focusing on capturing only the most severe errors that require immediate attention.

Error Level

The Error logging level signifies significant errors and exceptions that may impact the application’s functionality but are not severe enough to cause its termination. These errors generally indicate unexpected conditions, failures, or exceptions that need attention but allow the application to continue running.

When using the Error logging level, consider logging errors that can help in identifying and diagnosing issues without overwhelming the logs. It is essential to log enough information to understand the error’s context and potential causes without logging excessive details that may hinder log readability and analysis.

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What Logging Levels Should Apps Use In Production?

Warning Level

The Warning logging level indicates potential issues or conditions that may cause problems in the future. Warning messages are not severe enough to impact the application’s current functionality, but they serve as early indicators of potential problems that require attention.

When using the Warning logging level, focus on logging warnings that have a significant impact on the application’s behavior or may lead to critical errors if left unaddressed. It is important to strike a balance between logging enough warnings to identify potential issues and avoiding excessive warning messages that may dilute the importance of more critical log entries.

Info Level

The Info logging level provides informational messages that help in understanding the normal flow and operation of the application. Info messages generally track the progress of the application, provide useful insights for monitoring, and help understand the user’s interaction with the system.

When using the Info logging level, log important milestones, successful operations, or any information that aids in monitoring and analysis. It is essential to choose relevant and significant events or milestones to ensure that the logs remain concise and informative.

Debug Level

The Debug logging level is primarily used during development or testing to assist in debugging and diagnosing issues. Debug messages often contain detailed information about the application’s internal state, variable values, and the execution flow.

It is generally recommended to disable the Debug logging level in production environments by default. However, enabling it during troubleshooting sessions or for specific scenarios can provide valuable insights into the application’s behavior and aid in resolving complex issues.

Best Practices for Logging

To ensure effective logging in production environments, it is important to follow some best practices. Here are a few recommendations to consider:

Keep log levels consistent

Maintain consistency in the usage of logging levels across the application. Define logging guidelines or standards to ensure that developers follow a consistent approach while choosing the appropriate level for different scenarios. Consistency facilitates easier log analysis and understanding.

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Log relevant and useful information

Log only the necessary information that helps in troubleshooting and monitoring. Avoid logging excessive details that may overwhelm the logs and make it difficult to identify the most critical log entries. Focus on logging contextual information that provides a comprehensive understanding of the application’s state and behavior.

Avoid excessive logging

Logging too much information can have a negative impact on performance and can flood the logs with irrelevant data. Determine which log entries are essential for monitoring and diagnostics and avoid logging redundant or unnecessary information. Strike a balance between logging enough information to identify and diagnose issues and avoiding excessive noise in the logs.

Monitor logs for potential issues

Regularly monitor and analyze the logged messages for potential issues or trends. Establish log monitoring strategies and tools to proactively detect and address any anomalies or critical errors. Pay attention to patterns, recurring issues, or spikes in specific log entries that may indicate underlying problems.

Considerations for Production

While logging is crucial for monitoring and troubleshooting, it is important to consider the following aspects when implementing logging in production environments:

Performance impact of logging

Logging can introduce performance overhead due to disk I/O, network transfers, or processing of log entries. Evaluate the performance impact of logging and consider using asynchronous logging mechanisms to reduce the immediate performance impact on the application.

Security implications

Logging sensitive information, such as passwords, personally identifiable information (PII), or sensitive business data, can pose security risks. Ensure that sensitive data is properly redacted or masked to prevent unauthorized access. Implement access controls and secure log storage to protect the logged data from potential breaches.

Log retention and storage

Define a log retention policy that balances the need for historical analysis with storage constraints. Determine the appropriate log storage mechanism based on the application’s volume and requirements. Consider using log rotation techniques or cloud-based log management solutions to efficiently manage log storage and retrieval.


Choosing the appropriate logging levels in production is crucial for effective monitoring and troubleshooting. By understanding the meanings and significance of each level and following best practices, developers can ensure comprehensive and efficient logging. Properly implemented logging helps in identifying and resolving issues, enhances application performance, and facilitates informed decision-making.